Thursday, September 13, 2012

August Goals Recap

My apologies for being a bit MIA, but don't worry too much - I've been running in my spare time still, but just not finding the time for blogging about it.

So how did I do against my August goals?  I know, you've been waiting on the edge of your seat waiting for an update every day during the month of September right? ha ha.  All of my seven followers...I like to think many more of you have me in your blog roll in some sort of reading application, so let's go with that.  In my mind, there are like hundreds of you.  So consider yourself part of my entourage.  No, that's not the right word.  It'll come to me eventually.

Without further ado...

1) Average 1.25 per day in August - aka run 38.75 miles or more in August.  Where did I end up you ask?

Over 45 Miles!!!!!

That's right my friends.  Well over my goal.  Thank you, thank you.  Please hold your applause towards the end.

2) Complete another 5 mile run.  Oh I almost feel like laughing at this one.  Not only did I do another five mile run, I did a 6 mile run and then another 6 mile run/walk.  I owned this goal.  That's right, I owned it.  But you knew that since I posted about my 10K.  So maybe you aren't as impressed.  Fine then. Whatever.  But I totally am.

One of the other Moms Run This Town Chapter Leaders posted this image after a run and this sums up my feelings on this rather nicely.

3) Sign up for another 5K.  Yes, yes I did.  I signed up for a run on 9/8 and another 5K on 9/30.  It's after 9/8 you say, well, I'll do another post about that 'experience'.

So yes, I completed all of my August goals.  So there!


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