Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vacation - doesn't have to kill your healthy eating

We just got back from a vacation last week and I'm happy to report that I was a good girl and came back from vacation without gaining any weight.  Pretty impressive considering we were at Disney & Vero Beach and ate out for every meal for a full week. 

How'd I do it? 

Glad you asked. Let me tell you what worked for me.

Part of my driver for eating healthy is G.  I like to set a healthy example for her, but I'm also trying to be more healthy so I'm doing it for me too.  So each time we ate, I had to keep her in mind.  If she sees me eating healthy things, she'll want to eat them.  Conversely - unhealthy things, well you get the idea.

I always tried to eat meals that had as many vegetables as possible.  Salads, side dishes, etc.  Avoiding fried foods whenever possible.  Fruit was always a good thing.  Beverage wise I also don't drink soda.  When I don't want water, I drink iced tea or coffee - not juice or other high calorie beverages.  I also kept portion control in mind - ordering the smaller portions when possible or the smallest options for steaks and beef.  And you don't need to finish your meal - just eat enough to satisfy you.

The other good thing about being away was that we didn't have food around to snack and we were doing a lot of extra walking and swimming than we normally do at home because of work or other obligations. 

So that's what worked for me.

The only negative thing I could say was others around me didn't eat quite so healthy which lead to G eating more french fries than I would care for.  Luckily she also ate her fair share of cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries, yogurt, and whole wheat grains - so I guess its better than nothing.

Part of me keeps thinking if i cooked on vacation I could have better control of eating and such - but seriously? That's the best part of vacation for me - not worrying about what to make for dinner, not stressing about cooking, etc.  So that could work for you also if you have the place to do it and don't mind.  Me? I'll stick to my portion control and healthy eating thank you!


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