Thursday, July 26, 2012

Can I run 5 miles????

There's an upcoming race near me - 23rd Annual Day Kimball Healthcare Deary Memorial Race, Walk & Ride - and a friend asked if I had seen it.  I'd seen the ads for it, but finally took the time to look it up.  It's a 5 mile course in an area I'm not really familiar with.

Now, first thought - can I even run 5 miles?  I was planning to target hitting the 5 mile mark by the end of August if possible.  Using the 10% rule that seemed okay.

I was planning my first post-race run today.  I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday as part of my fitness test, but that didn't really count too much - I wasn't pushing myself, it wasn't outside and it was only 1.5 miles.

I set out this morning.  Beautiful running weather - overcast, 72 degrees, very windy, spitting rain.  Nice. I was targeting at least three miles, hoping for four, and then in the back of my mind thinking perhaps my super stretch goal is five miles.

I ran and I ran and I ran.  Made it to four miles and was feeling great.  So I kept going and going and going.  4.75 miles, my right knee and left calf started to hurt a bit, but I was soooooo I pushed through it.

5.01 miles - just over 47 minutes.  Pace - 9'31" per mile.  It's funny, I always think I'm running so slow, and then I ultimately end up around that pace. 

My calf was feeling pretty tight and sore after finishing and my knee was hurting a little.  I stopped into the gym to visit the staff and get some stretches to loosen up and hopefully prevent any injuries since basically increasing 25% in one run...oops.  I stretched for 20 minutes and it felt great to stretch.  I normally don't do that.

We'll see how I feel over the next couple of days though.

So yes, I can run 5 miles.  However, can I do a 5 mile race?  I think I need to watch the weather and find out more about that it hilly?  I'm going to try and see if I might be able to find someone to run it with me too.  We'll see how that goes.  Any volunteers?

If I can do this, I'll be well on my way to a 10K.  Eeek!


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