Wednesday, July 18, 2012 for Goals

For the next edition of my A-Z blogging challenge, I'm up to the letter G.

Goals.  No matter what you're trying to achieve, decide what your goals are before starting.  If you want to lose weight, define it - lose X pounds by X date.  If you want to eat healthier start with a food group - increase my daily servings of fruits to 3 per day by May.  If you want to exercise, set definite goals - I want to do 30 minutes of exercise three times per week.  If you are a runner and you want to run a certain distance or pace, set small steps to get to your goal.

Small, definite goals help you ultimately achieve your large goal. 

What does that mean for me?

Goal wise for July I set three goals:
1) Hit the 4 mile mark - Completed
2) Run a mile per day in July - On track
3) Register for a 5K - Guess who's doing a 5K this weekend?  Yep, this girl!  I'm scared and excited and happy and nervous and...OMG.

So the point is...set small definite goals and then another good G word - GO...Go get them.  Once you accomplish them, set more.  Get those.  Then keep going.


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